Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Unbirthday Ode to Murph

Last week Muprh turned two and a half. That is really not that long, but maybe it's only the 0.5 that makes him seem so fresh.

Sometimes I wish we never got Murphy. We meet this stub-nosed puff at six weeks, and before we know it, he will (hopefully) be 16 and fading.

Time passes at different speeds, and more frequently I feel like it is passing faster. Day after day, I enter a time warp at school of microscope and computer screen vortices. All the sudden, I'm back home, fixated on Murph's sweet face. Night after night, I enter another time warp of sleep and dreams. All of the sudden, Murph has flopped his poinky elbows on me in time for our morning run.

So I don't really know where my life goes anymore, or how much longer my sweet Murph will be in it. Sometimes I think Murphy makes me realise how fast life goes by, but most of the time he makes me happy to stop and enjoy it.

To know this dog every day of his life is enough to stop time. There's always enough time for a kiss on the muzzle because he naps with his paws stacked, hind toes to nose.... Always enough time for a squeeze against the cabinets because that's where he likes to be when we cook.... Always time for a conversation, because he is the most human animal I know.... And definitely always time to follow the black spot on his Murphmallow butt down some trail, no matter how familiar.

I know there will come a time when Murph will blink out of our life, like how nearly every day of my life passes. Even then, there will still be time for running, and conversation, and cooking, and a kiss on your cheek. Life has never been so sweet, and definitely never as speedy, as with these two in my life.

Thanks Myke for the photo, and Chrissy for yet another fitting nickname for Murphy Humphry Fitzgerald the horsedog who's 10 hands high. You make life sweet too.


  1. My favorite post--lovely and poetic

  2. Awwww!!! You made me tear up!!! I try to not think of my fur babies aging. All 3 cats are the same age and at some point I fear a really bad year but I will love them and hug them and squeeze them everyday for as long as I can. Murphy is such a special boy! I can't wait to see all 3 of you next summer!!!

  3. You amaze me with your creative talents and skills. Murphy is such a humanoid. Love your experiences together.
